- Loly-Omar-Leen left a commentyour working on a jrpg! i love jrpgs❤️
- water4soul left a commentHello
- Nicole_CatLover left a commentAwesome!
- Ashley7244 left a commentCoool
- PoorRicanBoy left a commentHey the rpg stuff I would like to collab Im good with environmental builds.
- prodigi0uss_ left a commentNice work wallah, keep up the good work, and i'm all in for a collaboration if you need something :3
- steve_yep left a commentthanks
- Sweety-Weeedy left a commentThe vibe of ur profile is cool!
- manoplay0 left a commentYour levels look professional
- Dead__meat left a commentJust sent you the track. Let me know if it's ok or if anything needs adjusting.
- mhd1_2 left a commentDid you like my game?
- Mehdi_12345 left a commentYou make some great stuff!
- yellowbear187 left a commentHello ty for playing Jacob & Jonas even though still under development. Cheers!
- Kurgan73 left a commentThank you for your support :)
- FDF33 left a commentThanks for the Coment :)
- esbaukn left a commentGood luck from a huge rpg fan! :) Look fwd to seeing your project!
- skfletch1 left a commentIve made a few tropical scenes use any you want :)
- Kurgan73 left a commentThanks for thumbs up! :-)
- lKYMI left a commentGood job
- Terrific_Tristan left a commentThanks for the thumbs up!
- DustProphet left a commentQuick question where did you get those floating platforms in your home space?
- raz0rbackzwei left a commentI already updated it. Let me know if this was your problem and if my change fixed it. Basically only the bottom left part is different, where it checks if you have XP and only lvls you if that‘s true and the amount needed.
- raz0rbackzwei left a commentHey, do you have a problem that it‘s occassionally not leveling up? I could fix that and can put out an update. Or I‘ll help you on reddit, discord, twitter? Another thing is, you‘ll only level up once. This was fine for me so far if you mean that?
- LucidDreamChaser left a commentHey, I'm interested in a collab! I have personal projects in development, but I'm also open to involvement with others! My big focus is character animation - so I've been developing my abilities in that area to a level that I'm sure won't disappoint!
- lions_in_09 left a commentHey, I'd just like to say your Emperors New Groove Heartless are amazing! I'm planning to create a New Groove world and will definitely be using your models for the enemies :) Thanks for making so much of your stuff remixable
- flyingpotaotoman left a commentMy apologies! I don't get on Dreams as often as I should, or else I'd have messaged you sooner. Regardless, thank you for letting me know! If you need any extra assistance, don't hesitate to ask!
- Zodira left a commentSorry I missed your request. Sometimes miss notifications. If your ever in need again give me another boop ^.^