- Mr_Surprize left a commentHi there
- Legendary_Jaljag left a commentWould you be up for a collaboration? I could help you if necessary
- Ambax left a commentNice Stuff
- skaraXXVI left a commentSuper
- Issho_106 left a commentThank you for bringing back my fav childhood game back to life.
- BojangleLamchops left a commentCan i make M_ARIO all stars?
- Nadrakk left a commentYour amazing
- PRAZIOUS left a commentI could help make another Mario game or help remake one
- AW-Pelailee left a commentGreat work
- Dogix9 left a commentSome great gameplay logic going on. Nice one
- mdkd99 left a commentWhat do you think about my french WW2 tanks?
- steve_yep left a commentthank you
- vanquish3000 left a commentCan you make your fighting characters on remix?
- Br_D_S left a commentVai Corinthians
- Winter_487 left a commentThanks for playing buggy racing :) It's appreciated
- cad111- left a commentNice Mario games!Please Make more
- GrizzlingBread left a commentGood mario
- spns08 left a commentJ'aime beaucoup vos fangame et j'aimerais bien que faisiez un fangame Mario kart
- Buppy2009 left a commentHow do you still have more space for all these long games
- OWNERfangamepro left a commentThanks Satan for the 666 subscribers XD
- Samuelhr2012 left a commentbonjour je parle frençais
- Rigbone64 left a commentAmazing
- Comment deleted
- K0771_92 left a commentGreat
- traceoftime left a commentVery cool