- MooseMan_2020 left a commentEVIL THE SACKBOI-
- Severus_Alestair left a commentDo sackboys get sea-sick? I'd hope not
- Severus_Alestair left a commentDo you mind me asking some questions about this specific character?
- EzDaSackBoy left a commentYes you can Remix my createtoin
- Comment deleted
- SkylanderBoyPA left a commentYo Evil can I remix your Creation with permission?
- SkylanderBoyPA left a commentYou just made peanut butter Evil
- ButtNapkinz left a commentYou Just Got Robbed, Josh Darnit
- spirited_cow1 left a commentYou Know What I Kinda Miss the Old Thumbnail. It's Too Iconic. But The New Thumbnail's Great Too.
- DiagonalTusk left a commentIm sorry guys i was wrong :c
- Comment deleted
- OWNEREviltheSackboy01 left a comment100 THUMBS UP BABY!
- KhaosQZ left a commentEvil i don't think you're allowed to use the freedom kit
- TheAnimationBoy left a commenteevill
- KhaosQZ left a commentThere is Sonic V3 so make Evil V3. Soon there will be Tangle V3.
- sackyblade left a commentNo i think hes cool
- sackyblade left a commentIts a sackboy in sonic style
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled