- LukasPrekob12Cup left a commentCommitting sucide over a cat in bad ending(farm animals)nahhh bro thats messed up
- Phil_XD7 left a commentWhat the update?
- LauJoBear left a commentIs there any secret endings we Don't know about.
- LauJoBear left a commentMR.PUZZLES LETS GO!
- Eye8thelast1 left a commentI hate Amanda for kicking me out for saying cocomelon
- prefect803solid left a commentI GOT GOOD ENDING!!!
- LukasPrekob12Cup left a commentI haven't been in dreams in a while
- outright-bunch9 left a commentThe first ever game i played in Dreams
- LukasPrekob12Cup left a commentI saw u added a update
- Sebthebuggy left a commentThat's making us giving a chance to try again. Thank you.
- Sebthebuggy left a commentGo get it! You can do it! I believed in you! You're doing great!
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- Are6U6Dead6Yet left a commentDOOR STUCK
- bradenamong left a commentYOOO YOU KNOW SMG4
- LukasPrekob12Cup left a commentAmanda the adventure is super fun Hypernova thx for making this
- FARB123 left a commentI love this one
- T_Jr8712 left a commentLove how we go from the illumination intro and randomly into nick jr. Lol
- Flow_EditPro left a commentWhats the tune ???
- PizzaKingdom245 left a commentNEVER CALL ME BOOKWORM!!!
- American_Matt left a commentBrilliant
- Comment deleted
- Denis_si_Fabian left a commentWhy is it stolen from the intro of university
- Denis_si_Fabian left a commentLOL i chosed cocomelon to the pies
- heartmadeofsteel left a commentHow do you solve the piano
- yipikaje_07 left a commentIt said Pewdipie is better than Mr. Beast liars
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled