- lion2009-simba left a commentHi there Devin, How are you doing?
- Erikinki_Real left a commentWow!, Creepy!
- ToriDidAThingIdk left a commentDevin.exe broke into my house and ate my dog
- Sherrera357 left a commentDid You make Ethobot and Daisy?
- lion2009-simba left a commentHello devin
- ironic-diagram9 left a commentLove ur background
- ironic-diagram9 left a commentHi there
- OWNERMariobowser7508 left a commentAhh yes... I level up to 120 :)
- Comment deleted
- SkylanderBoyPA left a commentCris the Worm in Giger
- SkylanderBoyPA left a commentI really love your stuff
- SkylanderBoyPA left a commentWill you make a cool character that is Gavin?
- OWNERMariobowser7508 left a comment70 Followers? Wow that was way past cool on this one.
- SkylanderBoyPA left a commentCan you make me as a Demonic Sonic Character that is Gavin?
- Drewmac13 left a commentI Can See Your Using A Lot Of Little BIG Planet Music, Is There Any Other LBP Music You Want Me To Record?
- OWNERMariobowser7508 left a commentI'm on lvl 100 now.
- OWNERMariobowser7508 left a commentI'm on level 90. I feel like I'm almost up to level 100. :)
- IllREDRUMllI left a commentHey. Thx For Using My Stuff! Need Any Character Requests?
- OWNERMariobowser7508 left a commentI have finally beat the game of Evil The Sackboy: Nightmare Location. But Lord Inkius is still out there in the Universe. It means The Heroes work is never done. ETS : The Ultimate Nightmare will be in soon.
- RPGCreator131 left a commentCan you record my backrooms All endings Game please and keep the microphone on! Once your done Tell me It should be in my creations
- aztaaskh left a commentthx for follow up
- faradia_lol left a commentHello Spidey. How are you?
- Comment deleted
- goldenhexagon7 left a commentYo spidey can you do something for me please?
- goldenhexagon7 left a commentYo spidey.