- demonicOlivia left a commentHey! I love your work! Please let me know if you'd like to collab on a project together :)
- hunterthebear23 left a commentBlack dynamite is done.
- Drewmac13 left a commentDream Master P?
- mcwitherzberry left a commenthello
- ShanxTheBoy left a commentHi CTheDreamMasterP
- ShanxTheBoy left a commentHi CTheDreamMasterP
- brandon-bhoy left a commentHi there lad! (from the real brandon-bhoy)
- temp-170531 left a commentHi whats up
- auttylovesyou left a commentReally loved your jam entry. You'd be perfect for our music fam! Come find us in itsallstar's room on Twitch on Mondays, for real! You should totally come!
- DreamTravelerNXS left a commentWhy is there a C and P at the edges of your username?
- Hypertronik_7 left a commentYou can following me Hypertronik_7
- DreamTravelerNXS left a commentThat Background image tho lol
- funkyrunky81212- left a commentI already need help.
- OWNERCTheDreamMasterP left a commentAsk for anything anyone!!!
- ALAN_MANIAC left a commentHi it looks like you started Dreams this year, welcome to Dreams :)
- CoTy-Y left a commentYo, do you rap? Wanna make a collab on a song?
- LadyLexUK left a commentCouldnt get graphics thermo to lower due to the way you have sculpted this. 14% appears to be it. Have got rid of physics warning. Lowered physics cost on the dreads
- OWNERCTheDreamMasterP left a commentWhere are my dreamers at??