- JRogers0520 left a commentCould you help me with my Sonic Physics Engine?
- EnriqueSanchez6 left a commentGta 5 older then lil bro
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- Zxm9ri left a commentDIE DIE DIE
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- aWhiteWidow left a commentHe stole my new oc :/
- terra-fatal left a commentOk,your surely not him.
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- Shiny_OwO left a commentKid and troll,pick a strugle
- Tari0fficialYTR left a comment#B.a.n.S.o.n.i.c.Y.t.p
- wiseguy_ellwood left a commentBruh do you even know what r*** is
- P_B_Jelly_Time left a commentIt's not the guy...
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- hemo_a1434z left a commentSONIC NOT THIS
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- SonicYTPWitch left a commentGuys This is not me
- SonicYTPWitch left a commentWhat's this