- lildude00042 left a commentWould you want to work on a zombie map with me?
- brantleyiscool left a commentThis comment section feels empty.
- Kratosken1968230 left a comment~H4H~(~F4F~)~
- DoomsickIe left a commentefc? escape from carkov?
- ZzF4T3_BR3ND0XzZ left a commentGood game
- brantleyiscool left a commentWhat kind of stuff are you the best at?
- brantleyiscool left a commentYoo, could we Collab on Something?
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- kind707steel left a commentHello
- OWNERpeanutanbannaz left a commentThanks man
- purplhazeblaze1 left a commentHey dude, Ive sent you remixable versions of both helicopter maps, send me the updated versions once youve remixed them if you like :)
- Sh3Luvz_D33_76 left a commentYO HEY KEY