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TVR - Dream

By TermVelociRaptor

  1. Areca Lead

    Areca Lead

  2. Neatbit Kit

    Neatbit Kit

  3. Muted Piano & Ukelele

    Muted Piano & Ukelele

  4. Slap Master Bass Guitar

    Slap Master Bass Guitar

  5. Digital Xylophone

    Digital Xylophone

  6. Fuzzy Strings

    Fuzzy Strings

  7. Broken Sine

    Broken Sine

  8. Saw Lead

    Saw Lead

  9. Floaty Wobble

    Floaty Wobble

  10. Kinetic Sawtooth

    Kinetic Sawtooth

  11. Grand Piano (Full Dynamics)

    Grand Piano (Full Dynamics)

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