MicroChips Of Imports!
By king-koenB
- ajayesco left a commentAm gonna be gone but can you animate cs1 for fnf vs mario maddness mod plz
- ajayesco left a commentGood night
- ajayesco left a commentK king am thinking about makimg fnf vs soul bf while i do that can you chart you do shadows up down left right
- ajayesco left a commentKing plz i need the tringle bf chain
- ajayesco left a commentKing plz i need one dside update bfs chane
- ajayesco left a commentHi king wanna help me make fnf corruption mod with me
- ajayesco left a commentok king can you chart the song 2 for fnf vs grunt
- ajayesco left a commentLike add vocals and the grunt
- ajayesco left a commentKing do you have a sec if yes can you make the first grunt song
- ajayesco left a commentCan you make bf have a pog face and raised eyebrow
- ajayesco left a commentKing can you animate sonics up down left right
- ajayesco left a commentKing join this collab then chart it works now
- ajayesco left a commentPlz this is hard i animated charted and the backround just plz i need help ;<
- ajayesco left a commentCan you chart the sonic got trolled song
- ajayesco left a commentKing can plz make bf look weird in the song
- ajayesco left a commentCan you animate sonics up down left right
- ajayesco left a commentAlso can you chart the sonic song in tails trolled mod
- ajayesco left a commentking how is the game
- ajayesco left a commentHow do you change bfs face to upset mad sad i need a vid
- ajayesco left a commentKing can plz make a vid of how to make bf with differnt expresions
- ajayesco left a commentCan you make bf and gf look weird in the sonic song
- ajayesco left a commentKing can you make bf and gf look funny and Song 1 is deleted
- ajayesco left a commentCan you chart no hero
- ajayesco left a commentNext vid should be to improve charts
- ajayesco left a commentCan you chart king no hero
- ajayesco left a commentKing can you animate green and maroon in meltdown
- ajayesco left a commentKing can you have change bf face and hat where his hat is ripped
- ajayesco left a commentKing can you animate in the new cutcenes for imposter can you have pop out a vent the gf falls off the speaker and green just nods a red
- ajayesco left a commentGood night also while your tonight ill repay by helping you in a map
- ajayesco left a commentit cause am just happy the the imposter week is almost done
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled