- wrench-man-81 left a commentLooking Good so far good job but i wouldn't use a actionRecorder but that is Just my opinion
- OWNEREnn3rd15 left a commentAlpha stage for this is about to come out :]
- Comment deleted
- OWNEREnn3rd15 left a commentUpdate is looking good 30% So far :>
- BamBam8910 left a commentI see this is going to be a great game
- Faildonnay24 left a commentFoxy just scared the heck out of me
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentI lightend up the cameras a bit, and fixed the tape room, and ibby, fot my voice hand unit thing, just message me through freinds, to tell me what to say
- Epic_Gamer709 left a commentFound gf
- DirtyDan1003 left a commentCan I make the character model?(for the cutscenes)
- Epic_Gamer709 left a commentFound gf
- Epic_Gamer709 left a commentRepaint it.
- thedeerhntr left a commentYou can move and see your flashlight on the cameras so maybe you should add a body to the character
- DirtyDan1003 left a commentI did animation too!
- thedeerhntr left a commentAnyone exited for security breach
- AntoScrujo left a commentI would like to help,I could help with animation I guess.Im not great at game design,Idk how i can help.
- superheld135 left a commentCool but they not jumpscare?
- thedeerhntr left a commentHey i could do cool cut scenes if i get some time not working on my wip game
- AntoScrujo left a commentI would love to help with this game,I don't know how but I'd love to help.
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentIf anyone wants to make a game with a camera system, i uploaded a remixable camera system, all you have to do is place the cameras in places you want them
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentWho is that?
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentIm pretty sure you saved your version as private :|
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentI can see foxy walking around
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentIts still in the dream, are you shure your no acsidently tryin to release it by itself for know reson?
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentNone of mine are private
- Comment deleted
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentPress the green button,
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentI updated the map, but i cant press upload, can you do it
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentWHY IS IT BACK!?!?!?!?!?
- jcpennythe3rd left a commentYou know fredbear is still broken right?
- DirtyDan1003 left a commentSure!
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled