- rob25P left a commentAmazing.
- D0ughb0y211 left a commentVisually stunning. Great music too
- KrzysiekLKR left a commentGreat work ;)
- ZzF4T3_BR3ND0XzZ left a commentGood game
- CuriousSack left a commentOmg! What an overwhelming experience! Standing ovations for this fantastic scenery and the breathtaking music! 👏👏👏❤️
- Stefan_Sweetlake left a commentBirddd great job
- davidsweetman369 left a commentAmazing Short Well done
- SACK-BOY123 left a commentCool time lapse effect
- swin_gal left a commentFlippin' heck, that is breathtaking!
- Immortal__Broly left a commentIntense music
- BigSloopy left a commentGotta get to see the Northern Lights..!! Beautiful
- WARMAN7785 left a commentmusic has a JOHN POWELL meets MOBY vibe, and beautiful vista. :)
- Stibby_Stib left a commentIncredible!
- glendar-jj left a commentGetting lion king vibes. Great landscape
- Greywinter left a commentWow that is good work!
- s_bungle left a commentPOGCHAMP
- Shisha_shweps left a commentНайс прям
- atheistsw left a commentCongratulations on the MM Pick, richly deserved my friend!
- OoxXTheHoundXxoO left a commentStunningly beautiful, the bird flying and the music with the beautiful scenery was transcendent. Well done.
- RealSharpness left a commentAztec Interactive is a name to remember.
- game_knight_007 left a commentCool but the camera is wonky
- TAPgiles left a commentAmazing music and visuals!
- Abscissca left a commentSuper impressive, right down to the audio. Great work.
- TheStalkingDread left a commentAbsolutely incredible! Exploring your landscapes is the best antitode for lockdown that there is. Mesmerising.
- NunoVale left a commentKeep on with your dreams
- SpampageDre left a commentI just realized that im playing as mordecai
- CamKatarn left a commentReally amazing work.
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled