- E621addict noticed a bugThird Person messes with eney hit box
- MageMini noticed a bugnight mode have low fog range bump it to max.
- MageMini noticed a bugforset + night can't happen and my guess is the forest has Sun&Sky gadget that make up the day time and simple solve (Which you don't need with the knowledge you have but, i recommend it) is: Make it day While NOT night.
- gizzywoo noticed a bugWhen i kill someone wearing a party hat they slide across the floor
- kilrkonnorkanada noticed a bugJanky
- CoolPuppy45 noticed a bugAmazing! I want to point out that after enabling metal world, turning it off didnt actually turn it off
- Junpei-999- noticed a bugThe shoot flashes get way too bright at night mode,it's almost blindfull.Also there's some ramdom piscodelical flashes at night too
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled