- gameboyjjf left a commentWould anyone be intrested in a hack and slash damage reaction kit? Like juggling, launches, and knockback?
- hobbesdream left a commentOuter Wilds time!!!
- TheAtomicBomb831 left a commentSMG be like:
- AgentOctopus13 left a commentYoure in the club.
- dontkickmychick left a commentImagine this in VR
- Buppy2009 left a commentHello i wanna ask if your intredsted to help me on my 3d allstars remakes but the galaxy game you know Super Mario galaxy bc i cant rap my head aroud how you did this bc i wanna make it 3rd person and even with a puppet so would you like to help plz?
- danjin49 left a commentI wish icould wrap my head around logic. Any pointers? It just makes no sense.
- Outer_Ent1ty left a commentI wish I had your brain.
- ErikGeneric left a commentI saw someone attempt to make a mario galaxy lvl but they lacked the logic to rework the gravity
- knuwbi left a commentTrippy!
- JRL101 left a commentAhh!So this is what you were talking about!!
- Servilletor left a commentNo idea how did you make this but awesome
- Prof_Yellington left a commentThis is pretty awesome, but its not remixable so we can look at the logic
- Teikman left a commentWOAH!!!!!
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled