- engiref left a commentHola! genial el trabajo que haces y me alegra encontrar a alguien con talento que hable español :)
- BrrrAcaVoy left a commentOtra persona que habla español... Que pequeño es este mundo! MÁS PERSONAS HISPANOHABLANTES > opulentllama
- coolmoc left a commentThank you for many thumbs ups. Look for my 'Rose Red' tribute tonight, which has tentacled eyeballs!!! - C.
- coolmoc left a commentLove your name. Later today I will release Let's Get Physical! - Secrets And More (partially inspired by the tv show, 'Haven'). It has a coffee shop and I think you might like it. It is shorter than most of my games. Thank you for a thumbs up. - C.
- jihadgriffn left a commentThanks for the love follow me back