- andreasdef left a commentBanana
- crashandsonicjan left a commentCheese :)
- Nadrakk left a commentYour amazing
- zRakuyo_ left a commentGkjjd
- Lunar_Blue24 left a commentYour background is killing me lol.
- xtMikotx left a commentWhats up
- pizzaboydude left a commentMake foov nuts at feddys floor
- Leaf_TDM2 left a commentLike this comment if you dont like HulkgirlRules.
- Giro_da1 left a commentHey john
- Leaf_TDM1 left a commentLike this comment if you dont like connormario89
- Giro_da1 left a comment
- batmangreen_123 left a commentButter
- Dekucraft left a commentOh so you like cheese? Name every type.
- Giro_da1 left a commentYou online?
- Metamorphics left a commentI like the characters a lot!
- arthur88140 left a commentCoucou
- Br_D_S left a commentVai Corinthians
- Yuzuru95 left a commentHelloo
- GrizzlingBread left a commentWario is awe-inspiring
- xtMikotx left a commentHey, is there a way to make other zombies move? Like i mean the ones that aren't enemies. (btw your zombies are really cool)
- Giro_da1 left a commentCan you tell Bucket zombie to unblock me i did nothing to him
- P-Shap left a commentYou make great creations
- BobRossSavedMe left a commentPOGGERS
- levitedemanzana7 left a commentHelp me
- GHSuperSonic left a commentLevel 100 cool
- bubblebubble11 left a commentHappy New Year :)
- jfreder left a commentWait can you export HD music, can you do Take on me?