- ShurikenDX left a commentI do need some help for MY Sonic Framework, I'm not an expert at programming
- Sonic_PR_ left a commentGreat job on the Sonic Frontiers engine! I absolutely love it! I know its not done yet, but its already so accurate!
- Ash_Kruz left a commentIV REDRUM!!!
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- Ash_Kruz left a commentHeyooo, I'm back and kicking!!!
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- Ash_Kruz left a commentHeyyyoo, the bio extended! ^V^
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- Ash_Kruz left a commentWe should play Genshin together sometime, yeh? -v-
- Ash_Kruz left a commentCan't seem to message you about something because of privacy settings... You could set it to "close friends and change your real name on there to something random, then send a close friend request... Though, that's your decision to make, not mine. °^°
- Ash_Kruz left a commentI've got one more character for the Vi & RI lore, Lunora! she'll be released later on today!
- Ash_Kruz left a commentGonna send a few collabs, they'll be scenes that you can use for backgrounds or photos! Just save them as private after taking the pics
- Ash_Kruz left a commentFeelings mutual, we both agree that personality is greater than the appearance. "Don't judge the book by it's cover, judge by what's inside" - Ash Kruz
- Ash_Kruz left a commentWhen it's women being described as short, pretty much everyone's okay with that, but if it's men who are short, everyone comes up with at least one joke about you being short...
- Ash_Kruz left a commentHow short are you exactly? Because I know what short is. ^v^
- Nitro-Arts7472 left a commentSooo, is it a sin to think your imp looks cute?
- ShurikenDX left a commentHey, I need some help with walk/jog/run cycle animations for a engine of mine.
- bequx left a commentMiles is now remixable
- Nitro-Arts7472 left a commentEnjoy that collection ❤️
- FinitEParadoX left a commentThanks for the follow!
- Lotus_-w- left a commentlovely <3