- leavingorcaos left a commentGracias
- The_chrnoxx left a commentAwesome
- Ryudoz left a commentYour awesome
- DoubleODobby left a commentHey, hoping you'd like to do some work with the track I sent over to you. Its up to you what you'd want to do with it creatively :)
- FreakZiIIA8 left a commentDead account
- MrPug247 left a commentPlease check out my bio
- Angry_Spartan269 left a commentNice.
- CyborKat-Studio left a commentHallo Tinh
- LordPredatorWolf left a commentFeedback
- Ordosx left a commentQue marioneta mas bonita!
- endelsia left a commentI love the Puppet: Ana, but is there a way to remove her hat?
- Sounds_Earfuls left a commentReally love these interactive music experiences! Would love to collab sometime
- ConMurder left a commentJust finding some inspiration in your work and some cool people as well thanks to your collaborations. Sweet stuff
- DABI_killa left a commentI need to step up my musical chops after listening to your stuff
- rileysmith586 left a commentWell said. I'm brand new but excited to work at getting better. There is SOOOO much to learn!
- dottyduke1 left a commentAwesome
- Iron_Jackal left a commentI have absolutely no idea how you managed to mirror and place her legging so perfectly, but THANK YOU. I spent HOURS on that and still couln't find its positional sweet-spot
- Iron_Jackal left a commentInitial release is rough, but live!
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- DreamEater777 left a commentI Love this game dude! Seriously i cannot wait to see more. We need games like this!
- FreakZillA8 left a commentmmmh🤔hmmm
- FreakZillA8 left a commenthmmmm
- FreakZillA8 left a comment🤔
- FreakZillA8 left a commentYes for ui do <ui____> for buttons/dualshock do <________> for emoji do :________:
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