- seanypikaboy left a commentMind helping me model stuff 4 paper dreamers
- IvyKyuton left a commentGood to see paper snowman is still going. Your doing classic paper mario proud. Keep it up
- emancid left a commentAwesome
- V1de0G4m3rJ0sh left a commentThere's a game out now that's called bug fables, it has the same look and gameplay as paper mario; New paper mario game soon too!
- OWNERLittleMenALT left a commentA recent Dreams update has completely wrecked Artistic Imp's main mechanic by limiting how far motion controls extend. :( I will be devoting my time to Inkwell rather than fixing it.
- Aydreinn left a commentHey man. I never made music specifically for a game... But if you need a track or two, I'm down :]
- OWNERLittleMenALT left a commentNeed someone to compose music for my game! Please add me as a collaborator on a musical piece if interested.
- MrZapLightFury left a commentDid you went to make real Super mario sticker star
- ImperialGamer345 left a commentWould you like to join my group