- Sleepy_Bandit-_- left a commentAre you still here?
- Comment deleted
- immortalbeing left a commentFor Subject, have you heard of Nightmarefest, it's a Dreamsfest/Dreamscon esque community project for horror games this October! I heard about it on Lets Talk Dreams by RedSeikatsu!
- MayaLouise16 left a commentAmazing home space
- brantleyiscool left a commentI need some voice acting for my horror game
- Br_D_S left a commentVai Corinthians
- Evil_Skylite left a commentCan you help us animate a game we are working on. If u cant Can you Voice act For us
- waldermangopuree left a commentAlmost the same avatar
- Winter_487 left a commentThank you for playing Buggy Racing :) It's really appreciated
- Deannetoledo03 left a commentPlease Upload the video of "Dreams: Race with Zula Patrollers Commentary" on YouTube. Please please
- BARMY4 left a commentI see you got my message, I am a Regular here on dreams and I was wondering if you would interested in looking out some of my games. They're horror based and I thought your input would be helpful
- Valcanoru12 left a commentDo u know how to make music
- NautilusMan left a commentWhere is your new game demo? Can't find it .
- spencer_bradley left a commentHow can I stop looking for sam!? #Fear of the night
- Kurgan73 left a commentThanks for thumbs up :-)
- deque-baleado left a commentOk man bye
- DreamTravelerNXS left a commentYou look familiar...
- Valcanoru12 left a commentHiya LBA
- BARMY4 left a commentHello? Is LittleBigAnimation from youtube?
- Omni8 left a commentHi! If you could voice act would u pls do that for me?
- Neutralight left a commentI'm REALLY sorry to hear about that strike because of the opening song. I'll try to work in one of my own and make an alert in the scene because I couldn't have imagined this could happen.
- PedTheBedHead left a commentHello
- Zer0_Day_101 left a commentNice!
- keekuh left a commentRIP LBP
- Kamthedestroya left a commentWhen are you going to send me the lines?
- Kamthedestroya left a commentHave you finished recording your lines yet?
- Kamthedestroya left a commentHave you finished recording your lines yet?
- SpektronPS left a commentWhomst'd've of us will joineth the 3-digit club firsteth? <_>