- ElectedRemnant left a commentGoodjob, what 3dprograms do you use? Isee youhave a special touch._._._
- Purpleshadow56 left a commentAy, can you unlist the stylized spring bonnie model. Its basically my Broken model with diffrent teeth.
- Crinoiid left a commentHey Friend long Time No see , I Might Die but it will be soon properly So yeah if i Don't answer your Message in 3 Days That means I'm Dead i will till you If I'm going to play another Game
- YettyDev_YT left a commentBro wtf you stole Purple Shadow's models. Why?
- BOOMAN_2284 left a commentStop stealing form purple shadow
- darkwound637 left a commentThank you for enjoying my content
- LucianoXLboy left a commentHello, why dont you create something?