- GrizzlingBread left a commentAnime is weird
- GrownMan24-7 left a commentForgot to block you on this account :)
- MrYeetBoi0121 left a commenthow dare you say that about anime
- OWNERImJustBored119 left a commentstops recording
- Deannetoledo03 left a commentArg. You Don't press the button that lights up. It's time to stop recording!
- OWNERImJustBored119 left a commentYea sure
- QTM-Zeno left a commentCan u make 'My reaction to QTM's HELP WANTED christmas and halloween teasers
- gladetor-10-sa left a commentThats my other account
- LAADSS280502 left a commentYou seem bored.