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3rd Annual Impy Awards Nominee: Creator(s)/Team of the Year



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  1. Into the Red Zone - The music of Dark Town

    Into the Red Zone - The music of Dark Town

  2. Final Fantasy XIII Inspired Scene

    Final Fantasy XIII Inspired Scene

  3. Dark Town RPG
    Dark Town RPG
    Dark Town RPG

    Dark Town RPG

  4. Tales From Dark Town: The Big Race [Remastered]

    Tales From Dark Town: The Big Race [Remastered]

  5. Tales From Dark Town: Home Coming [Remastered]
    CoMmunity creations, picked out by Mm, for your delectation, amusement and inspiration.
    3rd Annual Impy Awards Nominee: Excellence in Narrative

    Tales From Dark Town: Home Coming [Remastered]

  6. Dark Town Legends

    Dark Town Legends

    CoMmunity creations, picked out by Mm, for your delectation, amusement and inspiration.


  8. DF's Mini Game

    DF's Mini Game

  9. Test Tracks

    Test Tracks

  10. Low-Poly puppets
    Low-Poly puppets
    Low-Poly puppets

    Low-Poly puppets

  11. Low-Poly Character C

    Low-Poly Character C

  12. Low-poly character B

    Low-poly character B

  13. Low-poly character A

    Low-poly character A

  14. Low Poly Puppet

    Low Poly Puppet

  15. Turn-based RPG Battle System

    Turn-based RPG Battle System

  16. DT: Ratborg and Ratbrute

    DT: Ratborg and Ratbrute

  17. Star Child Origins

    Star Child Origins

  18. Scenes by Dirtyflusher
    Scenes by Dirtyflusher
    Scenes by Dirtyflusher

    Scenes by Dirtyflusher

  19. Games by Dirtyflusher
    Games by Dirtyflusher
    Games by Dirtyflusher

    Games by Dirtyflusher

  20. Dialogue tree and text

    Dialogue tree and text

  21. Simple camera transition loop

    Simple camera transition loop

  22. ZD FB Giant Showcase DirtyFlusher

    ZD FB Giant Showcase DirtyFlusher

  23. Scoot Vs. Obesity DEMO

    Scoot Vs. Obesity DEMO

  24. Isometric Jam: Dark Town

    Isometric Jam: Dark Town

  25. Isometric Scenes by Dirtyflusher
    Isometric Scenes by Dirtyflusher
    Isometric Scenes by Dirtyflusher

    Isometric Scenes by Dirtyflusher

  26. Isometric Scene: Dark Town

    Isometric Scene: Dark Town

  27. Isometric Scene: Red Zone 2

    Isometric Scene: Red Zone 2

  28. Isometric Scene: Dark Town 2

    Isometric Scene: Dark Town 2

  29. Isometric Scene: Red Zone (Large)

    Isometric Scene: Red Zone (Large)

  30. Isometric scene: Red Zone

    Isometric scene: Red Zone

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