- KlazeyWazey left a commentSuch superb gameplay
- P_B_Jelly_Time left a commentCongratulations on 400 followers!
- P_B_Jelly_Time left a commentDunkaccino!
- Astrobot_mini_6 left a commentyour sus
- OtukuoiDaBoi left a commentIm making a Wooly V6 for you
- bianko123 left a commenthappy late birthday
- TheCoolRoboKid left a commentHappy 3 day late birthi doii ig.
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- Cactus_DaNn_Jr left a commentThis Account's Back.
- bianko123 left a commentWhats ur opinion on furries
- OWNERDaydreamfaze420 left a commentFinally unbanned
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- OWNERDaydreamfaze420 left a commentMr pug dont comment here, im a crap voice actor
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- OWNERDaydreamfaze420 left a commentHey guys! Sry for not being too active here. I've been just taking a break from Dreams because i've been so stressed out from working on Wooly Quest.
- DonnieTheBirb left a commentSuuupp
- OWNERDaydreamfaze420 left a commentI am tired of people complaining about the release date of Wooly Quest, please wait! It is just me and 2 other people working on this.
- OWNERDaydreamfaze420 left a commentDreams is just twitter but for playstation.
- scribal_clock left a commentIm sorry for when i was inmature
- CandyInCandyland left a commentYou susy
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- Ghala_990 left a commentayy i found the green dog imp
- MgoClo left a commentWhats ur guys's favorite wooly character?
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- DiagonalTusk left a commentWaanna join my ay? If not that's okay