- magneto_32 left a commentAwesome Daily Reward Logic!
- NewcastleUtd1982 left a commentVery Nice
- SuperMilesXD left a commentHi! Could you help me with some logic?
- Buzznut left a commentHello m8 I've got another problem for you, I cant get the car to loose speed quickly after a collision with scenery I've got the existing settings pretty good now so i'd rather do it with extra logic, any chance you can take a look please? :)
- atheistsw left a commentHmm, no, normal mode, I played last night but only finished with a score of 20! D- Must Try Harder! Odd my score didn't save?
- atheistsw left a commentCongratulations on the MM Pick, 'Laybrinth 2' is a very cool puzzler!
- Beff-annial left a commentHi how are you, can you make Earth eagle 145WD, you can look up the full set on google.
- LeytonVaughan left a commentHey wanna work on a game with me
- Buzznut left a commentHi so you like to work out logic, I'm trying to get the car in my game to reset on the road when needed and not just reset the whole scene, should be easy right, with check points, but it doesn't work. Its probably my logic thats the problem, can you help
- ziouzitsou left a commentCool creations!
- YT__Dior left a commentThank you can i invite you to party
- YT__Dior left a commentHello and i need help on this game im makeing for YouTube and this company so would you love to help me.
- OWNERCaptain_Peedj left a commentHi. Sure, I can help. What exactly do you need help with?
- Chey1812 left a commenthey, my collab logician is taking a break so my 1st combat level is not finished since i dont know logic, can we work together to finish the level, i would be thankful