- aztaaskh left a commentSalam naif
- jmboo909 left a commenti am the 7th grade
- pepsi_kitty10 left a commentI am also muslim 😄
- ayonk7all left a commentYou used the wrong sound for the level exit you made
- ayonk7all left a commentWould you like to help me work on mr. Ball advetures 2?
- ayonk7all left a commentSoo collab when?
- OWNERA7maD023 left a commentAyonk7all, guess what!
- ayonk7all left a commentI made a female version of your imp
- ayonk7all left a commentCollab?
- ayonk7all left a commentHi...
- ayonk7all left a commentHello
- ayonk7all left a commentCan u collab invite me to ur 2d Platformer games
- ayonk7all left a comment-_- ._.
- ayonk7all left a commentTy for liking my game
- TrappedUp_ left a commentHiya there! U seem like a nice dreamer from what ive been seeing i hope u be a very successful one too^^