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Since launch the numbers of players in Dreams has reduced every month. That means that the number of likes you need to be a hit on Dreams has changed considerably over the years.
In 2020 a top 10 Dream of the year needed a minimum of 50k likes - top Dream had 155k
In 2021 a top 10 Dream needed a minimum of 6k likes - top Dream had 18k
In 2022 a top 10 Dream needs a minimum of 2k likes - top Dream has 13k
The All Time list Top 200 needs a minimum of 11k likes to be in it - only 1 creation from 2022 has that level of likes.
The complete All Time list requires more than 2,400 likes to be in it. In 2022 only 9 creations have met that threshold.
All Time list top 200 is 35% Early Access creations and 62% 2020 creations. It is a dated list of creations made in the early days of Dreams, and does not have the same level of quality as some of the later releases. Yet, these games get the lions share of plays and likes due to the way Dreams are displayed, and gives the wrong impression as to what Dreams is capable of today.
Because there are no date filters, it is not possible to pull up a playlist of any particular year. It is also near impossible to accurately create a collection of the most popular Dreams of any one year unless you maintain a list throughout the year (and even then it is easy to miss Dreams that become popular after the 4 week visibility mark). I have maintained collections of these charts, but it is a very painstaking and tedious job, and I am not going to provide a weekly chart in 2023. I only did it believing that it was a stop gap while Mm worked on improving the playlists and adding a date filter.
I have been told that a date filter is not going to be added. Therefore, we need a Most popular playlist for each year instead. This will clearly show the increase in quality as Dreamers have gained skills, and will give much longer visibility for those creations that do not get the honour of an Mmpick.