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A lot of features that were removed feel like they’re being removed for no good reason other than to remove stuff.
Prize Bubbles
- It’s literally just a collectible, it’s fine I guess to take out the whole “select a creation and make that as the prize” as it’s not often used but c’mon, why did it have to be erased entirely from the gadgets menu?
Well, at least numerous people in the CoMmunity have preserved the prize bubbles in an element from before the migration, I guess.
Grid View Notifications
- This is one of the more baffling changes, I don’t know much about game development and I especially know nothing about servers, but sorting notifications in a grid view shouldn’t be that expensive? Isn’t it just changing the UI of how notifications are organized? Why would that be too expensive for the servers to handle?!
Online Homespaces
- Probably the most understandable removal since nobody really goes to other people’s homespaces, but it still absolutely sucks and removes personality from this game.
Seeing others homespaces allowed you to see the limits of a creators imagination, as when working with limited tools, you have to be more creative and that’s exactly what homespaces are, limited.
Removal of providing info on who is currently editing a collaborative scene.
- This is next-level unnecessary, it was very useful to see who was editing, because let’s say I had a team for a game, where I designed scenery and story, X made music, Y made characters, and Z made logic.
Being able to view who’s editing would allow me to not only be notified of somebody else editing (which thankfully remains intact, I guess) but it’d also allow me to see someone like Z editing, and I could therefore be able to see possibly hours ahead-of-time what part of the game is gonna be progressed today.
+ This is also a bad removal because let’s say I make a community collaboration like an AY/IS, and one of the probably 10 collaborators is editing the scene, before the migration I could see who was editing out of those 10, making it so if the person editing was doing something like trolling, and purposefully staying in the edit mode doing nothing so they could disrupt the progress of the collaboration, I could easily identify them then revoke their collaborator status
but now i can’t.
This is just a very small amount of the removals, but I can’t cover them all because I don’t have the time to write something as long as a novel in a reply to a post on an obscure forums site.
As someone who’s been playing dreams since 2019 and has nearly 2000 hours in this game, this update is infuriating, we were promised so much with dreams (Online Multiplayer, Exporting, PC Port, etc) and it is never gonna happen now.
TL;DR: The removals (and what Mm chose to remove too) are baffling.