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A forum post by QuietlyWrong

It's worth learning one or two methods for turning any button press into a one-time-only, one-frame pulse of signal.

As TAP mentions, the signal manipulator has a built-in option for that.

I'm old-school and remember such LBP2 techniques as wiring a counter (target: 1) such that its 'completion' output automatically resets itself - this turns an input (count up) signal into a pulse.

But I'd persevere with the signal manipulator. Learn its options; try it in a scene of its own so you can see exactly what's happening. If it's not helping in your current menu logic, there may be something else awry. If you're in a sub-sub-sub-menu, make sure that the sub-sub-menu (and the sub-menu) are not able to detect the controller presses as long as the sub-sub-sub-menu is active!

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