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Place 1x Timer
Place 2x score modifyer
Place 1x score gadget
Place 1x Number displayer
Place 1x counter
Place 1x controller sensor
1. Set the timer of 1s and wire timer finished pulse to reset timer.
2. Wire timer finished pulse into score modifier power. Set operation Type to "add" and operation value to -1.
3. Set the normal score gadget to 300 for a total time of 5mins and wire current score to the number displayer range. Set the display format to "Time".
4. You want use a button for example X. Wire the X button to increase count onto the counter, set target value to 1 and wire the finished pulse to reset counter.
6. Wire also the counter finished pulse into the 2nd score modifier in Power input. Operation type "add" and Operation value to -10.
Now you have a timer which loose continuously -1 and by pressing a button -10.