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You will need a few splitters and movers/rotators to make a puppet with strafing controls :-)
>For strafing:
Controller gadget: Left Stick > Splitter Gadget: Left + Right output > X Axis input on advanced mover
(Make sure all damping is set to 0 in the mover, and I find -4 is a good speed for strafing. It has to be a negative value or the direction you move will be reversed)
>For movement:
Controller gadget: Left Stick > Splitter gadget: Up + Down output > another Splitter gadget: positive & Negative > Wire the positive part to 'Move Forward' & the negative to 'Move Backward' in the puppet interface gadget
>Turning with the right stick:
Controller gadget: Right stick > Splitter gadget: Left + Right output > X axis input on Advanced rotator
(make sure all the damping is set to 0 in the rotator, and set the rotation to around -90 degrees/s for decent turning speed)
I also recommend you place a fixed camera behind your puppet so it will turn with where you're facing.