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It should have a gizmo, for sure. It's an oversight; I can't imagine what reason they could have for it not having a gizmo.
The default of certain gizmos, when they haven't been set, is the centre of the gadget's front face. Or the centre of the parent chip/timeline's front face. Just to give you an understanding of where it chooses for the transmitter.
Group the sculpt with another sculpt (or add a sculpt in the group if it's already a group)... such that you could surface-snap the gadget to the sculpt at the point you want the gadget to be. Surface-snap the gadget to the spot you want it to be at. Delete that extra sculpt. The gadget will stay where it is, but still be surface-snapped to the object--even if the group collapsed, it'll be surface-snapped to the remaining sculpt.
Hope this helps in the meantime.