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A forum post by peejmaybe

Have to agree. I'd KILL for some sort of tablet support, even a bog standard bit of Wacom support would make Dreams about a zillion times better. I'm using Dual Shock as I do have the option of both move and dual shock, but I find it even more impossble to 'draw' smoothly with the move controllers tbh. I think Jorin summed things up by saying the best way is to use the stamp tool copiously, stamp your shapes, adjust them and then soft blend them with others (which is great for organic shapes).

When drawing more precise and complex mechanical shapes though, sometimes it's just easier to draw one shape, then repeat clone it to get a good solid (and blissfully STRAIGHT) line.

One other thing it's worth mentioning, the action of releasing R2 does mess things up but I sometimes find using the X button as an alternative allows me a smoother 'release' so I'm tending to use that more.

Dreams is horribly addictive though, particularly for sculpting. I've longed for something affordable that works a bit like Z-Brush and this is the closest thing I've seen yet.

Some things I believe would improve everything to no end.

1) Ability to loft. Sure you can stretch your shapes out etc, but being able to 'loft' from a shape or a surface would make modelling stuff like trees, branches etc FAR more easier.

2) Surface face control. Like you can stretch a shape, it would be great to be able to control the 'face' of flat surfaced objects, again to either loft them, shrink / inset them or angle / rotate them (for example, if you had a cube, being able to move , angle or control all faces of that cube would make modelling far more intuitive - kinda like a proper 3D modelling tool like Blender).

3) Some method of painting shapes that you could later 'fill' to make them solid faces or objects. Again, this would really be a game changer for the ability to make a solid with a specific shaped profile (for example the side of a car or something).

4) Better 'surface lock' tools. I just cannot get my head around how one object locks to another's surface at the moment, but it could just be that I need to spend more time with the tools. So far I've been using a combination of soft blend and a bit of 'hit and hope'.

5) More intuitive mirroring. It drives me slightly bonkers that you don't set the 'mirror' plane first, but have to draw an object for that to determine where to place the mirror, rather than the other way round. Would prefer to place the mirror first, then the object I want to mirror!

I am guessing a lot of these would probably stretch the limitations of the 3D engine a bit as it works on particles rather than polys, but some of these would definitely help loads.

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