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A forum post by phort

I use a teleporter instead of a gyroscope when I have to be absolutely sure of the object’s rotation.

My setup:

Capsule (player’s body shape) is movable and collidable
Block is movable and not collidable
Block has a Look At rotator (same effect as gyroscope but a bit more flexible about the orientation)
Block teleports to the capsule’s position, but not its rotation
Block has the rotator for the right stick X axis for turning.
Capsule teleports to the block’s orientation, but not its position.

Since the block isn’t collidable it won’t be pushed into the wrong orientation by collisions, and the capsule will copy that orientation with its teleport rotation.

If you wanted to angle the player to the surface, you could use a Laser Scope to get the ground orientation and use that as input for the block’s Look At Rotator’s look direction.

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