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A forum post by StankyDino

So Exclusive Gate Gadgets.

If you have multiple exclusive gates that all have the same name, they will all be closed, except for one, the one with either the highest priority rating, or the one with the strongest signal.

Here's something you can do to get you jump started with them

Have a Trigger Zone on your player that looks for a tag called Potential Target.
Drop the Zone range to zero and instead turn the Zone Falloff range up.

On a microchip, make a tag 'Potential Target'. The closer this tag gets to the center of the trigger zone, the stronger the output value that will come from it.

Wire the output of the tag into an Exclusive Gate called 'Target Filter', and then have the output of the Exclusive Gate power another tag, called MyTarget.
Set the exclusive gate to 'Interrupt' (the little lightning bolt icon).

Now, if you copy this chip to different targets around your scene, each of the Potential Target tags will change how strong their output is based on proximity to the player. The neat thing is that only one of the Exclusive gates will be open at a time, so that MyTarget is only active on one object at a time, which you can use to make homing missiles, or look towards a certain target, or for whatever other use you could have.

Again, this is just an example of something that you can do with them, and you can use that knowledge to fit to yours and choose which thing you need active for your logic.

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