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A forum post by CLOUD1985


The look at rotator trigger zone can be expanded as large as you like. The trigger zone tool is the one which will be used to activate the look at rotator. Set the trigger zone size and shape to suit whatever situation you want to create. For example a cube trigger zone placed under the eye is activated when the player with a tag named player on it walks into the zone. (it will make the eye look down at and follow the player while you are under it).

The trigger zone activates the look at rotator which is also set to look at a tag named player within its zone. If the default look at position of the look at rotator is set to come from the centre of the pupil, the eye should rotate on the ball joint to look at and follow the tag named player while the trigger zone is active.

You could also run a wire from the trigger zone, into a not gate, and then from the not gate to a keyframe that makes the eye move back to its default position when you leave the trigger zone.

Please let me know how it goes for you.

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